New rich snippet testing tool by Google

new structured data testing tool

Google sunsets its structured data testing tool. The new tool will be now called the “New Google Rich Results Test Tool”.

Google has launched a new structured data testing tool, in which they will be providing rich results search and similar search experiences.

Google has deprecated the current structured data testing tool and has rolled out notifications on July 07, 2020, to the users about the move to a new Google rich snippet testing tool. Google has also announced that the old tool is still available, but, recommends users to move to a new tool.

Google notification of deprecating structure data testing tool

Rich Results testing tool features

  • It will accurately show which Search feature enhancements are valid for the markup provided.
  • It can render mobile and desktop versions of the result.
  • It can now handle structured data markup effectively that are dynamically loaded.
  • It’s in sync with Search Console reports.
  • Test complete URL or just code snippet.

The Tools returns warnings and errors once you test the URL or code snippet. The error suggests that the code will no longer be eligible for showing them under Rich Results, whereas, warnings would still be considered. We strongly recommend avoiding both of them by fixing the errors and warnings for better ranking opportunities. Here is the guide to fixing them.

Rich Results Test Tool Interface

The Rich Results Test Tool Beta program was launched in 2017. It had limited capabilities to produce rich results, meaning, it was supporting only schema markups like jobs, movies, and recipes.

What are rich results in Google and why should we use them?

new structured data testing tool

Rich Results are experiences on Google Search that are more than just links. Rich Results are the efforts to provide the users with the information beyond text such as image, video, carousels, etc. Rich results are alternative ways to attract traffic to your site beyond links. You can implement rich results by using structured data.

Have you used the tool yet? Let us know in the comment below.



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